July 20, 2016

Ebon Fisher Interviewed on Yale Radio

Brainard Carey of Yale Radio talks with Immersive pioneer Ebon Fisher about Immersionist culture, memes, and media organisms, starting with Fisher's early work at the MIT Media Lab, and leading up to his role in Immersionism in Williamsburg in the 90s, and beyond. The discussion is about Fisher's work, but it loops around all kinds of interesting developments in Brooklyn back in the day.

The screen grab above shows a schematic of the AlulA Dimension, which was also constructed in "real space" at Nerve Circle Studios on Grand Street, Williamsburg, in the 1990s. The AlulA Dimension on the Web in VRML 3D, which allows the user to explore the architecture of AlulA. Web programming by Larry Rosenthal and Alex Shamson. Architecture by Ebon Fisher.

Interview with Ebon Fisher on Yale University Radio WYBCX
Nervepool and Nervoid Culture
Ebon Fisher on Wikipedia
Ebon Fisher at ABC No Rio
Links to Immersionism on this blog
Nerve Circle facebook album

The AlulA Dimension in Ebon Fisher's loft above a furniture factory
on Grand St., Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1994. 

A Gathering in the AlulA Dimension, Ebon Fisher's loft
70 Grand St., Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1994

Frank Senger in the AlulA Dimension, 1996